

quistie64 left me alone in the basement, so I burned a few of her blankets to send smoke signals to my brother Van, who happily scanned the article the reporter wrote when I escaped, and he sent it to me!

Thank you to [HOMETOWN PAPER] for the wonderful write-up. I'm not just saying that because they're talking about quistie and me, but they said very lovely things about the Chuck fandom, too.

You can read the article after the break.  I'll try to have a transcript up soon!

— Frea


  1. Proud of you guys!

  2. Van O'Scantlin15.12.11

    Ohh! That's what the smoke signals were for... I thought it had something about sending Nikki to you... Ma stopped me before I could. Sorry.

  3. singlewalkrun18.12.11

    I can't really get past the fact that he refers to the chapter title as if it were the story title.


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