Okay, so Frea decided tonight to randomly give me access to her blog and allow me to post. This is pretty much par for the course with her. I often feel like one of those crash test dummies you see in commercials, their necks snapping back at ridiculously high speeds, only not really, because they’re moving in slow motion. That’s what a conversation with Frea is like. I’m the dummy moving in slow motion and she’s the car. But at least I can hang out with Frank. Actually, Frank and I probably have a lot in common. We both wouldn’t mind getting beat by Sarah Walker. Especially if she did it in her workout clothes and got all sweaty while she did it.
So why am I posting? Well, besides the fact that Frea is a harsh mistress and I’m afraid she’ll break out the cat o’ nine tails if I disobey her, she gave me the great idea to do a little preview of the next chapter of
Double Agent. Now, I don’t know how many of those of you who read her blog also read DA, but I’m posting my preview anyway. I know it’s no Fates, or an outtake from Fates, or a D&D-inspired rendering of the Ass Kicking at the Ass-end of Nowhere (Sarah got a great roll and got +2 to Badassery), or Frea’s grocery list, but hey, it’s something, right?
And besides, unlike Fates, where the next Ice Age will occur before Chuck and Sarah do what everyone has been waiting for them to do (if Jill, Ellie, or Casey don’t get there first), I actually know how to give the fans what they want. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Yeah, that’s right, folks, in the next chapter of DA, Chuck and Sarah totally play patty-cake.